How did your kids react the first time they saw you kilted?

Little background from my side: my wife doesn't want me to wear my kilts around the kids until they're older. She's afraid they'll get confused about the difference between kilts and skirts and think dad's crossdressing.

I don't think so.

Our son is 3. The first time he saw me in my SWK Irish National, i came home from working on a Saturday. I had gone to work kilted. I came in through thefront door and when he saw me his eyes lit up. He asked me "Dad, what is that?" - that was great.

Our Princess will be 2 in February. Showed her the same SWK (i wasn't wearing it, per the wife) in the basement and wrapped it around me the way it would be worn. She ginned and laughed a little. I'm guessing she liked the bright green color.