Thanks Wompet, that's the best info so far.

For those not in the know, The genus Arctocephalus consists of eight of the nine species of fur seal. On the other hand, there are other genus of seals:
* Genus Arctocephalus
* Genus Callorhinus
* Genus Eumetopias
* Genus Neophoca
* Genus Otaria
* Genus Phocarctos
* Genus Zalophus

along with the family Phocidae: true seals

One of these sporrans is made with Phoca vitulina which is not in the CITES database

Anyway, this is from a service that expedites imports:

* Importers are responsible for knowing the contents of the products they import. U. S. Fish and Wildlife requires the scientific name (Genus and Species) and the Country of Origin (C/O) for all wildlife contained in medicines or parts of such wildlife. With this information, importers can contact their local U. S. Fish and Wildlife office of law enforcement with questions concerning prohibited wildlife and document requirements. For information contact the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Law Enforcement at 310-328-6307.

The following import procedures and guidelines will be followed at the Port of Los Angeles regarding the clearance of fish and wildlife imports.


The entry package must include the following documents for shipments clearing U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service at the Port of Los Angeles.

* Import Declaration Form 3-177 (1 original and 3 copies)
* All ORIGINAL foreign export permits
* Copy of U. S. Customs Form 3461, if applicable
* Copy of air waybill or bill of lading
* Copy of commercial invoices and packing list
* Copy of any other pertinent documents (APHIS permits, health certification, etc.)
* Inspection Fee check payable to DOI, U. S. Fish and wildlife Service or credit card may be used by the required Import/Export licensee. The entry package should be presented to the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service at 370 Amapola Ave., Suite 114, Torrance, CA. Entries are accepted Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Tel: 310-328-6307 Fax: 310-328-6399
Which again gets back to my question, is the sporran importable if the seal comes from a species that is not in the CITES database?

Also, the same question if the sporran is coming from Scotland which doesn't have any CITES listed seals? For that matter the EU (Britain being a part of the EU) seems to have a ban on importing seal products.

Although as Wompet points out, which I did as well, if USFWS decides that the seal is not importable, then it is not importable.

Another reiteration on what Wompet just said, CITES can cause a lot of paperwork and headache.