Well, I am now taking the time to post about this past Saturday evening. This past Saturday evening I went to Fort Wayne, IN. In Fort Wayne I went to IHOP and then Glenbrook Square. I wore my Stillwater Heavy Duty wool Black Watch kilt and a white wool sweater. I am convinced that an eight yard Black Watch kilt has a power unto its own. (it must be the swish, swoon)
When I arrived at IHOP I was near the entry door. Just outside was a young female employee talking on her cell phone. As I walked by she interrupted herself in mid sentence and told me, "I really like our outfit." It was funny because all of a sudden she was explaining to the person on the other end the sudden change in the conversation. I gave her a nod as I did not want to interrupt her phone conversation. Once inside I waited a moment to be seated. As two other female employees approached me to see about getting me seated the girl outside rushed in and claimed that she would get me a table. I am not sure what happened next, but the end result was a forth woman seating me and waiting on me. Strange........
When I arrived at Glenbrook Square my first stop was at Macy's. While there two female employees approached me together and asked me about my kilt. Two things that I really appreciated; one they did not asked my why I would wear a kilt and two they did not ask 'the question. Walking through one of the main hallways I pasted a group of huddled teams. I could heard their conversation suddenly change as I could hear one of them say "did you see that guy?". One of the girls spoke out to the others 'that rocks!' She said it in a manner that sound as if there was some debate as to whether I was cool or not.
As it was getting nearly time to go I was headed down the hall to where I came in when suddenly this late teen age or early twenties man yelled out (and I do mean yelled) "awesome, dude!" As he said this he was pointing at me with arm fully extended and hunching over. (It was a sight) In the process of pointing at me he nearly smacked his girlfriend. (I don't think that she was impressed with the degree of his reaction.) Although I was a bit embarrassed, it was a hoot to see how he behaved.

The power of the Black Watch.