Tonight I was talking with my mother, I was informed that this year the whole family will be going out for Thanksgiving dinner, first off I was not happy about this as I am big on big dinners for holiday's. Also I do the bird so all that is left is sides. Well I guess no one wants to use their house and our place is just to small, so we are going to what was explained by my Mom as being "Fancy", so when I asked if I needed to wear a jacket or if just dress shirt and tie were fine, my mother then added " and pants". She then informed me that she promised my niece and nephew that I "Would!" wear pants. To this I replied "Have a nice meal", then she walked off. So gang did I handle this right or not. My brother refuses to admit that our family even came form Scotland, and has told his kids that we are not Scottish and that real Scots do not wear kilts. He believes that nothing happed in history prior to the Cival War, and gives me the "Skirt" comment all the time. I am proud and as some of the pics I have posted have shown you can all see that my wife and I are bringing up our son to be proud of his Scot/Irish family history, and also to be proud of the kilt and what it means. Sorry for the long rant. Just needed to vent.