I have been reading everyone's delightful posts for a couple of months now and have thoroughly enjoyed it all. I have noticed quite a few questions about kilts and uniforms, etc. There is one uniform in which the military member may wear his kilt--I know I do at all the formal functions I attend--and that is the dinner dress winter uniform. The offical uniform jacket is patterned after the Prince Charlie with the exception that it has has piping (gold bands around the cuff to desinguish rank--mine has 3 gold 1/2" bands), it is a black jacket with gold buttons and spreader, also comes with a gold cummerbund and black bow tie. I wear a 21oz 9yd Royal Stewart, fur sporran, cream wool socks, flashes and spats with black dress shoes (polished to a shine of course). The ensemble has garnered me many of positive compliments and NOT one question as to the legitimacy my wearing it or suggestions as to any regulation preventing me from doing so. The winter dress uniform is an optional uniform for junior members and required after O-4 rank. Admirals and Generals have all commented on its impressive appearance. As to the question of which Tartan? The CG authorizes the CG Tartan or family Tartan to be worn. SInce I am 100% Scottish with four clan ties I chose the Stewart for it's compliment to the dinner dress jacket.

I do appreciate all your great stories, experiences and even pontifications--you keep me entertained underway.

Best Regards,
Matt Walker