Discharged after four days in Hospital; Couldn't talk, chew, swallow, eat or even drink water- it was like Battery Acid!; Total inflammation of the Mucosa-the Doc said(?)
When I doubled over on the floor (O yeah, breathing.....) making a noise somewhere between the mating call of a Moose and Madonna's latest CD, and flopping about like a very ill Seal, I was whizzed off to the ER last Saturday. The Chemo had struck again, with a vengeance.
After four days of agony, blood transfusions and lots of Morphine(Wheeee!) and other drugs, I was finally 'let out' Tuesday night.
All is almost back to normal, just the sides of my tongue and cheek are still a bit raw.
At my interview with my rather nervous Oncologist this morning, he finally blurted out that he had never seen such a violent reaction to Chemo in his life. He really hadn't expected me to survive it.
I told him that if he imagined Me of all people was just going to quietly lay down & die, well he didn't know who he was messing with!

O yes, scratched my jaw yesterday and my Beard fell off! Followed by what little head hair I had left, and Someplace Else is now rather bare, (Well, we DO have ladies on this Forum too)
So I now look like either;
a. A rather large 7 year old boy. Or
b. a 64 year old E.T. who's still trying to phone home... So far my eyebrows are holding on.
I'm also a great hit t the Radiation center; they love the Kilts! and the Techs like the easiness (for them) ; just flip up & shoot the rays.