OK guys. Let's have a second attempt at a Kilted gathering in Oxford.

On the evening after Burn's Night, Monday 26th January, I have another general business/social networking drink scheduled at the Royal Oak on the Woodstock Road, just a couple of hundred yards along from St Giles. It's a great pub and one with plenty of space/tables etc.

I shall be at the networking event in my kilt, and the bar staff will undoubtedly know where, so why not join me?

Although there may be several non-kilties, they still represent good potential networking contacts, so why not give it a go?

Full details of the original event (which usually attracts 8-12 people) are here: http://www.ecademy.com/module.php?mod=meeting&mid=25594

If you would like to, let me know you're coming, but if you need to leave it to the last thing, then no problem.

Best wishes, Graham.

PS Puzzled that I posted this in the calendar a few days ago but it didn't appear in the new messages list. Still learning my way around this site.