I screwed up my bad knee ( had it "scoped" several years ago and had 90% of the cartillage removed) again last night snow blowing the driveway and walks around the house. Saw the Doc this A.M. and he drained the bugger but no blood in the fluid (really good news, so no new tears). Darn knee blew up to three times the size of normal. So, I'm laying here at home kilted with my knee propped up and properly iced down, taking some really good perscription drugs for pain wondering what I can do for the next two days laid-up at home. I had to get a sub for classes and am worried about how things are going, is she/he covering the material properly and how much re-teaching I'll have to do when I get back...SO I had to do something to get my mind off of school. Simple solution...X-Marks! I resolved to try to post a thread or comment to as many of the areas on the forum as possible. If I start to get foggy and incoherrent from the Vicodin I'll stop, take a nap, and resume. It is amazing how confined you feel when trying to navigate your own home using crutches. It was a bear trying to get my hose on this morning. Oh well, here goes.