Not sure this is the best place to let you know about this (maybe needs to be moved?) - and I'm not entirely sure some of you non UK X-Markers would even be able to view it? Hope so!!! Worth a try! Believe me!

There is a lovely little show about the Scottish Highlands and its history. From early Clan days to Bonny Price Charlie to the Clearances... lovely scenery, great kilts, sad stories, heroic stories, claymores and targes, forts and traditions. Lovely show - 5 or 6 episodes (20 minutes each)

If you can see them - here they are:

Episode 1 - about Loch Ness, Great Kilts and how to wear one

Episode 4 is about the Clearances and the banning of wearing plaid, bearing arms and playing the pipes!

Episode 3 about Culloden

Episode 5 is more on the sad stories of the Clearances...