At times like those I give thanks for my camping supplies and fire place. Several years ago we lost power for the better part of a week, but we managed with the aid of Colman camp stoves, fireplace, tent heaters and lots of quilts. The other saving grace was we did have hot water as the gas never was interrupted.

Unfortunately you were the receiving end of the spotted rat syndrome; when all the rats are the same color, the spotted rat gets picked on. We can be either really great, or drop to the lowest denominator, which happened to you.

On the other side, a whole lot of people got to see a kilted man for two days, which is more than they probably see in years. Under some of those jokes and comments probably ran some unvoiced respect. What goes around comes around; what you put out, you get back. Someday, someone may say something like they were amazed by how you were so calm, or how you took it so well.