Greetings folks,

My name is Larry Dirr and I am a 66 year old male who lives in Fort Wayne Indiana. I have been kilted for about eight years now and have several various types of kilts. I wear my kilts shopping, traveling, and to the pubs. I actually do not enjoy wearing pants anymore. I just took inventory and the list reads as follows:

3 Great Kilts: 1 Maclaine of Lochbuie Modern, 1 MOL Hunting Ancient, 1 Royal Stewart Red.
1 Tan Utilikilt
3 Sport kilts of various tartans
5 Wee kilts: 2 MOL Modern, 1 MOL Hunting Modern, 1 solid black (that I wear to funerals and some formal occasions.

I made all of the Great Kilts and the Wee Kilts from wool or cotton. I could never afford these otherwise. My wife and I attend Renaissance Faires and Scottish Highland Games and Festivals and I make most of our period clothing. I also am making an attempt at learning the Great Highland Bagpipes as I need a challange to keep my mind active. Being retired does have it's advantages time wise.

I am glad to be a part of this forum and I'm sure I will interact from time to time. Thank you for being here and having me as your guest.

Larry Dirr, FSA Scot, aka: Lord Chainsaw of Maclineshire