. . . with new stuff ! ! !

Hey everybody...

Got some new stuff in the mail (and the latest just got in today...)

And now ta-damm.....

Ok, that is everything... First of all, two new kilts i got off Gumtree.com
Anderson tartan and Maclean of Duart. (with matching flashes and tie) Both fit, but one is about 1 inch to long and the other is about 1 inch to short. I wear mine at 22 1/2". I figure 1/2" on top and 1/2" on bottom shouldn't be too bad... What say you?

On this pic, we can see the swap I did with our very own Collin. I got 1 black balmoral, 1 celtic themed belt and two kilt pin (including the Xmark's).

On this pic, we can see the swap I did with our very onw pipesndrumsnun. I got a brand new Cargo sporran from SWK and another from I don't know where, but I like it also... Also seen on the pic is the sgian duhb I bought from our very own CelticRanger66.

And finally, on this one, all the hoses I bought from W Brewin & Co. as sugested by our very own McMurdo in another thread. I got lovat blue and green, navy, black, bottle green, grey and beige.

To all of the above, my very own thank you . . .

And to the rest of you, I wish you your very own good night