I don't think we should add too many more sections, although I do have to admit, I would love a re-enactor/historical spot if we do end up adding something

I use the "new posts" feature to keep up with all of the newest threads, but too many sections and links all on one page might make it hard to really find everything. I think having collections of threads and links together in certain posts like a few folks mentioned would be great, as well as some more articles too.

I don't mind discussions, but I think careful wording and understanding can go a long way. I've seen some of the discussions that get heated on this board and I can see everyone's point.

Aside from a little organizing and setting things up for easy access for folks looking for specific information (aside from just using "search" I mean), I think this board actually is pretty good as-is. It's never going to be perfect and you're never going to please everyone. You'll also always have disagreements and some pretty heated discussions. You just have to take what you need from that thread and make your decisions based off of it.

I do agree that having the chance for everyone to come together and discuss the board's future in a thread like this is wonderful. It is nice to occasionally take a look and see if there can be any improvement made or just keep going as is.