This can be a significant's how I solved it.

I called up a couple of local tree service companies, told them what I am doing, and asked them if they were taking out any straight under-50-foot evergreens in the near future. I scored on my third phone call.... perfect timing.

Now at home, one aaalllmost-12 foot, probably 60-65 pounder, cut three days ago so it's really wet. The branches are trimmed off, and it has a nice taper....will make a great womens or novice learning caber. When it's barked, smoothed and dried out it will probably be about 50-55 pounds...

Waiting for me up the hill at the end of the driveway when I can get a buddy with a roof rack on his truck is a 16 foot...perfectly straight but for one little kink in the middle...nicely tapered, 85 pounder. When barked, smoothed and dried that will be 65-70 pounds, a good Masters caber.

Total cost? Nothing Zero...zilch. I shook hands with the owner of the company, took 20 of his cards to display at our demo table at Tartan Day, and I'm stylin'.

Try calling Arborist and tree service companies.