On Sunday, as my wife was working, I went to my local pub for lunch. I wore my Hector Russell Black Stewart along with shirt and lightweight jumper. I went up to the bar and ordered food and beer, and then the barmaid asked " Escuse me asking, but are you Scottish?"
Me "No, I just enjoy wearing a kilt"
BM "Is it comfortable?"
Me "It's very comfortable"
BM "Aren't you cold?"
Me "No, its nice and woolly and warm"
BM "It's made from wool, like from a sheep?"
Me "Yes, real sheep's wool"
BM "It looks nice"
Me "Thankyou"

The barmaid, as with all the bar staff, was wearing black trousers and a dark shirt. It occurred to me from her remarks that this young woman had possibly never worn a skirt, hence the 'cold' and 'comfort' questions. As to the 'like, yannow, sheep' question - that gave me a smile as I sat down with my beer.

Ah, the kilted life. Ain't it fun?