Quote Originally Posted by bricekolob View Post
Alan H.,

One last question. I have looked at those kilts at Burnett's and Struth. They look real nice, although it might be hard to find a tartan that would work. What would you say is the biggest difference I would see between a 5 yard and an 8 yard kilt? (lets assume they are both machine sewn.) Would someone, at a formal function, look at me and say "Oh no, you have a 5yard kilt!" or something like that? Is it noticable?

Again, I appreciate all your help.

Yes, it's noticeable, but only from the back. obviously since the yardage difference is essentially all in the pleats.

OK, here goes...given two kilts made for the same sized guy, with the exact same sett, OK? One is a "5 yard" or thereabouts...the other is an "eight yard" or thereabouts.

Same guy...same sett.

The over-apron, first pleat, under-apron, kick pleat, buckles and quality of finish will be identical.

The 5 yard kilt will have fewer pleats, and they will have larger pleat reveals and not be as deep.

HOW MUCH larger...HOW MANY fewer etc. etc. Impossible to say without knowing the size of the guy and the size of the sett. I am currently making a six yard kilt for myself which has a 4.5-inch sett. It will have 29 pleats, which is plenty to look "traditional". However, because the sett is smaller, the pleats aren't as deep.

Which is more obvious..."fewer" pleats (and therefore a larger pleat reveal) or "less deep pleats"?

clear answer...."fewer" pleats is more obvious to the onlooker than "less deep pleats".

Of course there are people who will look askance at you at a formal function and roll their eyes at your lack of taste, respect, sophistication etc. etc. etc because you do not have on a kilt with 30+, tiny pleats, hand-sewn. There are even guys on this board who wouldn't SAY anything to you in a real-time situation, but will notice and be vaguely disgusted. The question is, are you going to let their ideas of what's right and proper and "done" prevent you from wearing the nicest kilt you can afford? It's totally your decision.

Honestly, the overwhelming majority of American and Canadians can't tell the difference between a five yard and an eight yard. It's just a KILT to them.

My personal feeling is that if you can only afford a 5-yard wool kilt, and you buy one and spend the not-insubstantial dollars required to purchase a nice pair of hose, a nice belt and a semi-dress sporran, then I'm going to treat you like a gentleman until proven otherwise. You wear the best you can.

And honestly, mate, just how often do you go to Black tie and White tie affairs at exclusively Scottish functions where you might, possibly, MAYBE encounter someone who would notice and care about your kilt? A nice wool 5-yard does just fine dressed up to waistcoat and tie level. You can't afford an Argyll jacket, so you won't be going out, wearing one. Honestly, how often do you dress up more than that?