Just got back from doing a school program about the 77th Reg't of Foote, Montgomery's Highlanders, at a local school, about 70 fourth grade students and some parents and teachers. Fourth grade teaches Pennsylvania history and here in the Carlisle, PA area the Forbes Campaign, 1758, is often highlighted. The 77th came through this area, 1300 strong, on their way to take Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh). Anyway, the program went very well (I've probably done this one over 100 times, good student questions!....(I do a lot of colonial programs, different clothing and accoutrements, cooking demos, etc.) I always enjoy it cause of wearing a great kilt, talking about Scottish and American Colonial history. What amazes me and I convey this to the students, is that 1300 men, dressed in kilts, carrying their military possessions and weapons went from Philadelphia, crossed the Susquehanna River at a low spot on foot, on through Carlisle, present day Shippensburg and Chambersburg, cut a road through the wilderness to the "Camp on the Loyalhanna Creek", named Fort Ligonier in 1758. Then on to Fort Duquense. It is a rich and proud history for men in kilts!!

Malcolm MacWm., 77th/42nd Highland Reg'ts, Grenadier Cos.