Congrats Team Scotland for winning the World Curling Championship!!

Not only did they win the title, they won me a tea in a bet.

My Mother is a curling fanatic. She watches all of the major bonspiels on TV. Each year, she asks members of the family if they care to make a friendly wager on who will win the Men’s Worlds (she always takes the Canadian rink). I took her up on the bet this year and took Scotland's rink to take it all. Well Scotland and Canada made it to the final and it came down to the last rock in the 10th end. The Canadian Skip blew the shot and Scotland won!!
So this weekend I will be collecting my winning tea at a local restaurant from my mother. I think I will wear my Balmoral down to pick her up and rub it in a little: wink:

Who also thinks Scotland's skip is pretty cute too!