Things are going pretty good for me. 1st practice back was a disaster was throwing about 32 feet on 28lb. WFD. Got really mad that week went out and did some of the special drills I had learned about from last year. This fixed my mistakes A LOT and this week threw my best ever 44 foot 10in on the 28 WFD. I'm learning I think how you should only pull on the weight when it's around the back of you when it's traveling on the sides just keep your balance and let it travel on it's own otherwise. And the drills forced me to keep my shoulders over my hips correctly. Bend at the knees and not at the waist. I'm going to keep up with those drills and maybe be hitting 50 soon, learning to keep low and engage my legs into this I know I can keep improving on it.

In my second week back on hammer i'm throwing about 2-3 feet from my all time best in practice so that's encouraging too. 65 on the heavy hammer and 80 on the light hammer so far. The other events are not too far off either.