Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
I would recommend the following titles:

Lachlan McGillivray, Indian trader : the shaping of the southern colonial frontier by Edward Cashin. (Athens : University of Georgia Press, c1992)

Lachlan McIntosh and the politics of Revolutionary Georgia by Harvey Jackson. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2003)

For more general information about Native-American relations with the Scots, Colin Calloway has a delightful new book entitled White People, Indians, and Highlanders Tribal People and Colonial Encounters in Scotland and America:


I highly recommend it; It's one of my favourite books.

Fernec Szasz's Scots in the North American West 1790-1917 from University of Oklahoma also contains some more general discussion of the Scots relationship with Native Americans and their participation in the Fur Trade.

Matt Newsome has a nice article about Sir Alexander Cuming and the Cherokee on his web site:


Apologies for "assigning reading" (it's what history instructors do after all), but I had to get some sources in besides Wikipedia.

Great thread, btw!


Thanks for the reading list!!

I've heard of the "Lachlan Macintosh..." title and the Cuming article on Matt Newsome's site, but not the others. Just tell me there isn't a written assignment involved....