So, back from a four day weekend up in Ridgeway and Ouray, Colorado. Have pics but something is amiss with Photobucket tonight...when its back will be able to load and post some pics.

Anyhow. In these two neighboring small towns in the San Juan Mountains found that there's a house in Ouray flying the Saltire. No one appeared to be home, and thought it a bit tourist-like to bang on their door and ask to take a photo in their yard with the flag.

Then in Ridgeway I'm walking down a dirt road kilted to get some pics and a car comes racing by, then slams on its brakes, backs up, and a young man asks if I'm Scottish. I told him I was a descendent of Scottish emigrants. He nodded and said, in a very American accent, that he was born in Edinburgh. So what are the odds that Scotland would be so well represented in this little corner of the mountains?
