Hi Kane,

The kilt is the kilt, it goes from slob to uber-formal - same kilt. It is the accessories that make it casual or formal. If your heart is set on that tartan, so be it. You are going to Edinburgh University, people will ask what the tartan is and why a non-American is wearing it.

You could try:

Edinburgh University's official tartan


Designed for the City of Edinburgh Council, this sett is based on the Stewart Old clan tartan because of the City's kinship with the Stewarts. The colours are of the Arms of the City of Edinburgh, which feature a central silver shield showing a three towered castle with black stone work.

Why not get friends and family to chip in for the accessories. Your £400 will buy a 8 yard kilt in Edinburgh. You are going to be in a place where all the accessories will be cheaper - no postal charges. It might be an idea to wait till you get there.

