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Thread: Topless Kilting

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Riverkilt Topless Kilting 31st May 09, 08:57 AM
Dianne B I think it would get me... 31st May 09, 09:03 AM
McMurdo It's fine for someone else,... 31st May 09, 09:24 AM
Panache After Hamish posed for all... 31st May 09, 09:28 AM
NorCalPiper I'm 38 now and my 6 pack abs... 31st May 09, 09:35 AM
Dan R Porter heh 31st May 09, 09:41 AM
GMan I do agree with Jamie. We... 31st May 09, 09:43 AM
Ozark Ridge Rider Not necessarily. I've got... 31st May 09, 08:07 PM
Riverkilt Highland romance novel... 31st May 09, 09:47 AM
dfmacliam Cool back tat, Ron... As for... 31st May 09, 09:48 AM
Dan R Porter hmmm 31st May 09, 09:56 AM
Smayniac I kilt shirtless around the... 31st May 09, 09:57 AM
ghostlight comments withdrawn 31st May 09, 09:51 AM
Jon1975 Topless Kilting 17th June 09, 11:10 AM
Riverkilt Yikes!! So much body shame!!... 31st May 09, 10:09 AM
Dan R Porter heh 31st May 09, 10:13 AM
Howard Clark Sometimes, more often than... 31st May 09, 10:14 AM
KFCarter I've always had a bit of a... 31st May 09, 10:16 AM
KiltedBrewer I've been known to hike... 31st May 09, 10:25 AM
JSFMACLJR Not for me personally, Ron,... 31st May 09, 11:08 AM
LANCER1562 If I went topless kilting, I... 31st May 09, 11:25 AM
Skipper1 I am always up for shirtless... 31st May 09, 01:00 PM
Dan R Porter pshaw 31st May 09, 01:17 PM
JolyStNicholas I'll give it a try soon, but... 31st May 09, 02:44 PM
raibeart_dubh Ron, Definitely not a look... 31st May 09, 03:07 PM
Lady M Topic removed. 31st May 09, 04:54 PM
Aldisimo To me, what's offensive or... 31st May 09, 04:37 PM
Dan R Porter heh 31st May 09, 04:50 PM
B. Somm :rock: Personally, I find... 21st June 09, 07:28 PM
Fit2BKilted Cheers to you lassie!... 24th June 09, 11:38 AM
Riverkilt Thanks Lady M, You are... 31st May 09, 05:01 PM
ghostlight comments withdrawn 31st May 09, 05:44 PM
Dan R Porter though 31st May 09, 05:59 PM
Colonel MacNeal I am not against topless... 31st May 09, 05:37 PM
Larry124 I’ve not too bad a top --... 31st May 09, 06:41 PM
Dan R Porter sunburn 31st May 09, 06:45 PM
Spartan Alright, you asked for it.... 31st May 09, 08:29 PM
Aldisimo And what does he wear under... 31st May 09, 11:02 PM
Jerry I rarely go topless, with or... 1st June 09, 04:43 AM
george7 Tell people they're battle... 1st June 09, 05:32 AM
Galician You're closer to the truth... 1st June 09, 06:19 AM
cessna152towser Works well on you Ron but I... 1st June 09, 05:02 AM
Tattoo Bradley I sunburn, rapidly and badly.... 1st June 09, 08:05 AM
ali8780 Chicks dig scars. And... 1st June 09, 08:47 AM
Lady M Topic removed. 1st June 09, 09:12 AM
Old Hippie Heh. :rofl: I've got a few.... 1st June 09, 01:31 PM
Dan R Porter heh 1st June 09, 01:36 PM
Mr. bone shirt please 1st June 09, 02:59 PM
Kilt_Noob I usually bath in spf 1... 1st June 09, 10:15 AM
Alan H I sport continental- sized... 1st June 09, 10:23 AM
Andy On weekends, I'm very often... 1st June 09, 10:53 AM
vmac3205 I think it's inviting skin... 1st June 09, 04:18 PM
Dan R Porter okay 1st June 09, 04:34 PM
Spartan That's great! But, I notice... 1st June 09, 05:15 PM
Dan R Porter opps 1st June 09, 05:17 PM
ali8780 nice tat Dan :rofl: 2nd June 09, 07:51 AM
Lady M Withdrawn 1st June 09, 05:05 PM
Spartan A person in good healthy... 2nd June 09, 10:03 AM
ali8780 I think she was being... 2nd June 09, 10:30 AM
Lady M Withdrawn 2nd June 09, 10:54 AM
Andy As promised....carrying my 24... 1st June 09, 06:39 PM
Dan R Porter ah 1st June 09, 06:42 PM
Spartan That's a neat backpack! ... 1st June 09, 07:14 PM
pastorsteve I might if I didn't live... 1st June 09, 08:20 PM
Andy Construction on a new... 1st June 09, 09:58 PM
Spartan It looks like you are looking... 2nd June 09, 06:39 AM
Andy That's my Great Dane Sadie.... 2nd June 09, 04:33 PM
David Dalglish Shirt on always 1st June 09, 10:16 PM
jgorley I am not unknown to go... 1st June 09, 11:10 PM
Riverkilt Great Pics Andy!! That's... 2nd June 09, 06:49 AM
Ozman1944 Topless 2nd June 09, 07:32 AM
Riverkilt Yikes! So much body shame! ... 2nd June 09, 07:48 AM
ali8780 Wow--now there's a compelling... 2nd June 09, 10:26 AM
Charlie Mc. Dan posted the wrong picture... 25th June 09, 08:50 PM
Dan R Porter woah 2nd July 09, 08:22 PM
Fit2BKilted Here HERE! 18th June 09, 09:45 PM
Adam Pound This could be great, as women... 23rd June 09, 10:22 AM
The Guy in the Kilt at UC Where do you live and what is... 24th June 09, 10:57 AM
Aldisimo On what planet? 2nd June 09, 09:08 AM
Kilted Jeeper Great tats Ron! I remain... 2nd June 09, 11:05 AM
ghostlight comments withdrawn 2nd June 09, 12:07 PM
Rex_Tremende Hey now. Having read your... 2nd June 09, 04:10 PM
Lady M Withdrawn 2nd June 09, 12:11 PM
Nick the DSM I've done it. I don't have... 2nd June 09, 12:37 PM
Galician So be sure to take some... 2nd June 09, 01:21 PM
Nick the DSM I will. Hope no gets offended... 2nd June 09, 04:05 PM
Alan H Oh, I'll DO it. Say, if I'm... 2nd June 09, 01:29 PM
Alan H I know that last post comes... 2nd June 09, 01:42 PM
James MacMillan Well, you asked for it Ron -... 2nd June 09, 02:08 PM
Rogerson785 Jay, You are the master of... 26th June 09, 09:05 PM
Jon1975 Topless Kilting 1st July 09, 09:39 PM
Rex_Tremende Jay, you've never looked more... 2nd June 09, 03:43 PM
James MacMillan Yup! Can't be too careful.... 2nd June 09, 10:56 PM
Lady M :shock: :lol: 3rd June 09, 01:37 PM
bear Well, it must be the time of... 2nd June 09, 04:15 PM
Alan H Again, I'm all for it. If you... 2nd June 09, 04:29 PM
Andy I don't want to speak for... 2nd June 09, 04:40 PM
Rex_Tremende So, to Ron's question,... 2nd June 09, 04:31 PM
Andy Tanning for me is more a... 2nd June 09, 05:24 PM
Riverkilt You crack me up Rex! Yup,... 3rd June 09, 06:48 AM
bear I keep thinking about this... 3rd June 09, 01:34 PM
ali8780 I think you should go for it... 3rd June 09, 02:14 PM
JelicoCat The human form is a work of... 3rd June 09, 03:50 PM
Aldisimo Bear said: Well, what if you... 3rd June 09, 05:36 PM
bear I lost about 50 lbs when I... 4th June 09, 01:35 AM
Dave K Old joke: A recent study... 18th June 09, 09:13 PM
M. A. C. Newsome Context, context, context! ... 4th June 09, 03:46 AM
Pleater The weather will of course... 4th June 09, 06:01 AM
abaort_cav At 31 My body is not what it... 17th June 09, 04:36 PM
Fit2BKilted Well, first of all, in Canada... 17th June 09, 07:44 PM
Tetley Illegal 18th June 09, 06:49 AM
BroosterB1 Topless kilting? ... 18th June 09, 07:22 AM
Fit2BKilted Is that Clark you're wearing?... 18th June 09, 10:11 PM
piperdbh Any activity that I do... 18th June 09, 10:54 PM
abaort_cav Ok Sheild Your Eyes But I am... 18th June 09, 08:10 PM
Fit2BKilted Nothing offensive there...... 18th June 09, 10:08 PM
Riverkilt Be still my heart!!! 21st June 09, 07:30 PM
B. Somm :hide: :lol: :ciao: 21st June 09, 07:43 PM
DamnthePants Forgive the quality, using a... 22nd June 09, 01:02 AM
Riverkilt A Topless Men of X Marks... 22nd June 09, 01:33 AM
Adam Pound I'm afraid the mosquitos in... 23rd June 09, 10:01 AM
Colonel MacNeal Topless kilting is OK. Show... 25th June 09, 09:19 PM
Kilted_John Methinks that my mits will... 26th June 09, 08:53 PM
ali8780 it's getting increasingly... 2nd July 09, 05:42 PM
Jon1975 Haha! 5th July 09, 07:50 PM
SteveB OK, so I have Irish skin.... 5th July 09, 08:48 PM
jgcunningham I just want to ask that... 5th July 09, 08:56 PM
Lady M Topic removed. 5th July 09, 08:58 PM
  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Topless Kilting

    Alex just posted some great pics of the Bathgate Highland Games. In one of them a young man is shown topless in a tartan kilt, no doubt due to the heat of the day. Summer is nearly upon us.

    Rogerson785 remarked that he'd never be seen topless and kilted in public. That got me to remembering that I just visited the Utilikilts website a few days ago and a number of the pics in the Utilikilts gallery were of topless men in kilts.

    Just a couple weeks ago this old fat man was hiking topless in a tartan kilt in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado...in private of course, save the lady with me.

    And early in my kilting career Mike Butler of AmeriKilts used a topless pic of me kilted for a marketing poster.

    And I've often gone topless kilting in hot weather - though as Rogerson points out - in a private area with a small group of friends.

    So what do you think of topless kilting?

    Is it just a way to show off tattoos?

    Is it a common sense answer to the heat?

    Is it best with contemporary kilts?

    Is it okay with tartan kilts too?

    If its not okay why are there so many photos of topless men in kilts in the kiltmaker's website galleries?

    Do you have pics of topless kilting to post too?

    What do the ladies think of topless kilted guys?

    Enlighten me - not just what you think about topless kilting for yourself - but if you think its okay for others.

    Last edited by Riverkilt; 31st May 09 at 09:02 AM. Reason: Topless brain too...can't spell gud
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

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