HTC, the company that made Tailor's Pride hair canvas, has gone under. Yikes!! It was the one place that still made canvas heavy enough for kiltmaking. I did a little Googling and found a place called Sawyer Brook in Clinton, MA, and they said that HTC was, in fact, sold to another company and that the new owner is still making Tailor's Pride. They wouldn't tell me who the new company was, though.

Anyway, I ordered a bolt from Sawyer Brook, and they said I'd have it in a couple of weeks. I'm crossing my fingers that that is, in fact, the case. If the bolt arrives, I'll compare it with the stuff I already have and give all y'all a report on whether it's good for kilting or not.

Here's the link if anyone is interested:

Their per-yard price is about $11, but they sold me a 25 yard bolt for just over $200. So the bulk price saves quite a bit.

And if anyone finds another source for *heavy* hair canvas (Acro and Hymo aren't adequate), please let us all know!