...every single freaking MINUTE, for every single activity.

There's a thread in this forum that I put up, somewhat tongue in cheek, about where NOT to wear a kilt. I put it up to kind of illustrate a point, which is that kilts are great, but they're not the optimal thing to wear in ***every single possible situation***.

I suspect that some of our newer, highly enthusiastic members are so gung-ho about kilts that y'all lose sight of the fact that they're CLOTHING and sometimes there are other articles of clothing besides kilts which do a better job of keeping you warm, un-sunburned, decent, protected or whatever. For me, personally, sailing is the perfect example. I COULD wear a kilt sailing. In fact I HAVE worn a kilt sailing, with Piper George who was also in a kilt, on a very calm day. It was fun, we got a lot of laughs from folks who were also in the race and HAHAHAHA! what a riot.


But if it's blowing 30 knots, there's a 12 foot sea running, I'm solo and tied in with a harness on a jackline, I've got a mess on the foredeck and I'm crawling up there to do a headsail change, I GUARANTEE you that a kilt is not the optimal piece of clothing to wear.

Get real, gentlemen... Sure you can wear a kilt while you're scuba diving, but is it really the best thing to have on your body? You can wear a kilt while playing polo, but is it really better than riding pants? Sure you can wear a kilt to the gym to work out in, but is it really better than gym shorts?

These things are kilts, guys. Not religion.....or to paraphrase the author of "Backyard Boatbuilding", a favorite book of mine...

"It's a KILT, not a SHRINE."