Just back from a long Saturday and a short Sunday visit to the San Diego Highland Games in Vista, CA. We had the pleasure of meeting up with both old and new friends, two lovely days at the Games, and a very fun Saturday kilt night topped off by an impromptu pipe and drum concert! On to the visual proof. . .

1OldSarge, Bob, and SkyePilot met up early Saturday morning

The final total for Saturday night's rabble, outside of Hennessey's in old downtown Vista: Jay (James MacMillan), Bob (bigdad1), Ken (Coinneach), David (Galician), one of the pipers whose name I neglected to get, and Bruce (FlagFolder).

The pipe band assembled and approaching the restaurant.

Band marching in to the establishment. Evidently they were there for dinner and the restaurant owner just asked them to tune up and play a few!

It was loud inside there!

Color Guard

Massed bands

One band had the cutest little fellow for drum major, and he was very serious about doing a great job!

I have more (each of the clans in the parade, for example) but I'll let others chime in for now.