Hi everyone. I ordered my first kilt - a thrifty from SWK in Black Watch.

Shipping was insanely fast (as I have read) and it arrived on Wednesday. I wore it to work on Thursday.

Quick bit of background - my boss is the VP - he is old school and very gruff. His idea of casual Friday is to not wear a tie. I am the exact opposite - bearded, inked, and wearing jeans on Friday.

Since we didn't work today, yesterday (Thursday) was our casual day. I couldn't believe it when my VP came in with jeans on - and he couldn't believe it when I came in with a kilt on. He was very good natured about it - I even managed to get a photo of the two of us!

Now, before I post the photos - I broke the cardinal rule of kilt wearing - I wore it with my shirt untucked. I know...I know...I have arleady flogged myself repeatedly - but I have a good excuse...I do not have a proper belt and I thought it looked quite bad without a belt.

I promise next time I don the kilt, I will have a proper belt - I just need to find one I like.

My VP and I

My friend Jon and I

Next on my list - a kilt belt and another kilt - I have my eye set on one already!

