What is an acceptable sporran "for all occasions"? I have heard a full mask may be just that but also that some of the fur Ferguson Britt Sporrans and others like them would do the same. How do you feel that works? Would you ever have just one sporran or is a quiver full a better option?

Will you show me your favorites? It can be just one, or it can be many, it is up to you.

There is a current thread by James MacMillan- What makes the perfect sporran? that shows there are truly different strokes for different folks. Show me yours so I can get an idea of what works for who and what path I might want to take in the future.

I am a newbie here and admit it freely. I have searched and have not found a thread or gallery like this and would really like your pictures and input. If this is a duplicate, I am deeply sorry. Thank you for the help and if there exists a thread like this in the archives any mod can feel free to delete this one and send me a link.