The sprayer hose on my kitchen sink sprung a leak, so I replaced it. Rather than go at it from underneath the sink, I disconnected the faucet and replaced it at sink level. Much easier for a guy with a lousy back.

But to make getting at the spigot that the sprayer attaches to easier, I turned off the water underneath the sink and disconnected the hot and cold water from their respective spigots attached to the faucet. That left me with no extra attached hoses to contend with.

I got the old sprayer hose disconnected with little trouble and the new sprayer went on like a dream. I reconnected the hot and cold water and turned the water back on under the sink. I heard a little bit of a whoosh and the hoses jumped a little. But when I turned on the faucet, I got bupkis.

I removed the screw-on screen that goes over the end of the faucet, thinking that maybe sediment had clogged it, but no water came out with the screen attached, either.

The water is not leaking under the sink.

Where's my water?