Originally Posted by
MacMillan of Rathdown
Next year's Greenville, South Carolina, Scottish Games (scheduled for June 5, 2010) is planning to add a special category for Scottish Military reenactors. The time frame is 1625 thru 1939, and reenactors may represent any historically "Scottish" uniformed military unit (79th New York, Lovat Scouts, Guarde Ecossais, etc.).
Do you think they'd be interested in Jacobites from the 1745? We are not "uniformed" but do resemble what Prince Charlie's army looked like.
Its a bit of a drive for us, but possible (beats "walking" from Oregon!). I was suggesting to our group that we could attend the games and then visit Matt's Scottish Tartan Museum on the way back.
Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
Scottish-American Military Society
US Marine (1970-1999)