Every year at the Highland Games, these guys show up and do a demonstration.

Here is an excerpt from their main page
We are a not-for-profit Celtic reenactment/ living history group known as the Tribes of the Blue Rose. Our emphasis is cultural archaeology...The time and scope of our reenactment is mainly the time period of the 2nd through the 6th century A.D....We do historical / educational demonstrations and presentations for Schools and Universities.
Now, that's all fine and good, however, when I look at their site it is clear to me that these people have no interest in history of Britain from the 2nd to 6th century. They present history as if it was Lord of the Rings! It's like watching #*@!ing Braveheart presented as a documentary! Sure, I know this is all crap,but everybody else there is eating up and it kills me. I want to call them out on their BS, but I know they won't care. What should I do?