Quote Originally Posted by acaig View Post
As an armiger I feel able to respond to this thread, albeit a little late.

I do tend to object to people, whether American, Scottish or other, trying to imitate a clan chief or armiger by wearing long feathers in their bonnet, whilst wearing the kilt. I question why a long feather has been chosen as opposed to any other accroutement/decoration. I suggest that it is to imitate a clan chief/armiger. And that does offend me.

Feathers of about 2-3" tall are excluded from my comments here. These are pure decoration and would not be confused with an eagle feather. A tall pheasant feather, for example, would, certainly at a small distance, look like an eagle feather. Certainly in Scotland this would be taken as the badge of an armiger, and one would presume that the wearer was entitled to wear it. This is not the practice in other countries. However, if one is going to wear the Scottish traditional dress some thought and consideration for the protocols of Scotland would be expected. Indeed it would be discourteous not to do so.

I hope this does not sound too strong but I did suggest in another thread started by JockScot (I think) I said that I would no longer sit quietly when things need saying.
You did indeed and thank you.