So first off I should let you know that I have acquired a lot of wonderful kilt and kit because of a tin box.
It is the one I put all my spare change in at the end of the week.
Literally "saving my pennies" I have bought my Matt Newsome 5 yard knife pleated kilt, my Freelander sporran, a lot of goodies from Stillwater Kilts, and most recently a pair of custom argyll hose to match my XMTS`tartan kilt.
My lovely Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess calls this box my "Kilt Fund"
So here is what I am currently saving for
(though I want one in black)
Robert Pel (XMTS' own Canuck ) makes them at RKilts
My son has a great sporran from him (I reviewed it here)
I am have one of his handsome braided sporran straps (pictures here)
Robert does great leather work and his prices are reasonable so what is the problem?
Well in the past on the way to saving for a particular item I have been tempted by another kilt related offering and had to start saving again (Curse you Jerry and your prices and speedy delivery!!)
This time it is different
Because this time I am tempted by a non kilt related item!
Over the summer I have decided I enjoy boogie boarding
So at the age of 41 I even went out and bought myself a banana yellow model
What I don't have is a wetsuit and I saw some new ones on sale at "Play it Again Sports"
I probably have enough change at this point to afford the $50 suit, but am still about halfway to thecost of the RKilt sporran
So I am tempted and turn to the Ladies and Gentlemen of XMTS for help deciding
Sporran Pros
Handsome and well made
Supporting a fellow XMTS member
I need another sporran
The only all black leather sporran I have is a Buzz Kidder "Loch Ness" model and this would be nicer looking and more distinctive
No one has ever been attacked by a shark while wearing an RKilt sporran
Sporran Cons
I currently have 9 sporrans
When I say to The F-H.C.A.G. "I need another sporran" She gives me a digusted look and mutters things that are not appropriate to repeat on a family friendly forum.
Besides the Buzz Kidder black Loch Ness model, I have a black mink Ferguson Britt and a black and brown Freelander sporrans
Wetsuit Pros
Will keep me warm in the waters of Santa Cruz
Will keep me from being badly sun burnt
Good price since it's the end of the season
Wetsuit Cons
End of the Season, few opportunities to use in the Winter months
Encourages me to do more boogie boarding and thereby increases risk of shark attack (why do I suddenly know how Grant is going to vote on this?)
Limited fashion versatility; cannot really be dressed up, not a whole lot of occasions to wear it save the beach
So I put it to you good folks
Should I keeping saving for my RKilt sporran or should I go back to the store and get the wetsuit?
Jamie :ootd: