Ive been driving by this cut-down tree that a neighbor down the street is using for a parking-spot marker. It's been about 2 months maybe three since I first noticed it. I stepped it off about 3 weeks ago... 12' 8"...a bit short, but it'd fit in my truck.

Finally this weekend I walked down there and knocked on the door. Sure, he'd be happy to give it to me... so I loaded it in the back of the pickup...

**grunt**...Holy Cow, this thing is heavy....

...got it home and went after it with the little electric chainsaw and the belt sander to take off the branch stubs and whatnot. It's now 12' 6", but it has a nice flat surface at the big end. It's something like reasonably smooth at the bottom 3 feet and it has a nicely rounded handle. The center of balance is WAY up at the big end, so if I can pick it and time it halfway right, it's gonna go over. BUT....It's cypress. It's dense, and it weighs right about 100 pounds. And it's not wet. It's sitting up on concrete blocks under the overhang of my house for the winter. Maybe it'll drop 10 pounds between now and March, and then again....maybe it won't!

All-righty, then!!!


The practice group arsenal is now four cabers:

1. The Lassie....12' 6" and about 35 pounds...good for new folks and smaller ladies, and for taking to demos and stuff.

2. Bethany's Candy Stick (I'm going to bark it completely and paint it this winter, to match the name) 15 feet and 45 pounds.... an OK "step up" caber for guys and a real challenge for the lasses.

3. The Beast... this "new" caber... I think I'm gonna spend some time with this one, esp at the beginning of the season. Also, it's a "travelling" caber, since it, along with the Lassie, fits in the back of my pickup without threatening to fall out.

4. The Cardinal... 15 feet, minimal taper and 90+ pounds. This is almost impossible for mere mortals to turn, though Charlie Reid has done it. I'm gonna work on this one, this winter and give it some more taper in the bottom 6 feet so it has a decent handle and get it down to about 80 pounds.