Quote Originally Posted by gasbag View Post
Well i can't let this chatter go on much longer without singing the praise for Vegemite.
I grew up on the stuff, cheese and vegemite sandwiches, vegemite on toast, vegemite off a spoon, got to love eating a by product from the brewing process of one of our best beers in South Australia. Coopers beers are home grown and home brewed. Some of the yeast comes from the coopers brewery.
Have Vegemite on toast with a cold Coopers Pale ale, now that is heaven right there.
It might not be to everyones liking, but either is peanut butter and JAM......
So here we go again - the great, everlasting Australia/New Zealand debate - Is Marmite better than Vegemite? I grew up on New Zealand Marmite - not quite the same as the UK product. See this Wikipedia article for the difference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite

Still have my sister send a couple of 8oz jars a year over to me.
