Retiree Forum Recomendations?
Is there a Retiree Forum somewhere that is not profession/occupation or interest specific?
I’ve been retired for two and a half years.
In the first year I generally maintained my workplace habits and attitudes.
In the second year the aforementioned began to drift, to slide, to blur, to change.
I’m becoming (have become) to a greater more often than to a lesser extent, a new and different person.
Yes much of my personality is fixed (never say final), but still, my discovery of my retiree self is at best an exploration and an adventure.
Or a confusion.
Or at worst a basket of looming fears.
Changes in interests, concerns, and prospects beckon, or compel.
Frequently now, I have thoughts or observations or questions that seem to me to be influenced and informed by my retiree persona.
They run the gamut; from wise and experienced fully mature man to (equally fully) impatient and out-of-touch old man (American: coot/codger).
If you recognize that place, where do you go on the internet to share thoughts or stories?
[FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]