A great use for a Stillwater pipers plaid!
OK, so here's the backstory- my dad recently was diagnosed with prostate cancer and has been undergoing therapy for it. My family moved in with my parents to help my mom, who's health is also not so great, take care of my dad. Now my mom is a music teacher who gives private lessons on Saturday mornings. My son and I were watching the Ghost Hunters marathon on SyFy when the first of my mom's students came over. He and I were in our jammies. He was very embarassed to go past the music room in his boxer shorts. I was wrapped up in my plaid because I was cold. My son decided he needed to go get dressed... so what to do? ...what to do...? The boy left his belt on the couch... again... I noticed."Oh! I know!" says I. "Long plaid, thin boy, belt- GREAT KILT!!" And even better, it is Halloween, so a great kilt is all the more fitting!
Not bad for my first time wrapping one for someone other than myself. The belt is a little too low and the aprons are a little small, but all in all, I'm pleased! And so was he.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.