You should join the Corps only if you intend to be a warrior, and that really does mean battle. It's no joke that every Marine has a secondary MOS of 0311--basic rifleman. You should expect to do combat if you join the Marines, but then you will be in the finest fighting force on the earth. (I say that with no little pride and a great deal of obvious prejudice.)

The Coast Guard, on the otherhand, performs a great service, contantly does a real job, and is a very good service in which to serve your country (and you mother, sweetheart, father, sister, grandma, etc.) I have a photo of my uncle's LST on the shores of Iwo Jima when he was in the Coast Guard. It's another great service, just different from the Corps.

No matter the branch, there is nothing finer than serving in the military, and I salute your decision. I personally recommend the Corps because it really is unique and elite. But that's just me.

Just remember that we sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. (George Orwell)

Good luck. Semper fi.