So this past weekend I picked up a copy of The Gathering Storm, the first novel in the Wheel of Time saga since Robert Jordan's death in 2007. The book actually came out a few weeks ago, but it had slipped my mind, so I just now got around to buying it. According to Jordan, he was bound and determined to end the series with book 12, but when Brandon Sanderson began work on it, he realized that in order for him to be faithful to the story that Jordan had laid out, it would be necessary to split the book into three books. In a way, that is disappointing, but I would much rather the story be told properly, and as Robert Jordan would have told it than to cram everything into one book and have it become more like the cliff notes version of the story. Anyway, from what little I've had the chance to read so far, it seems that Brandon Sanderson has done a fantastic job of capturing the feel and depth of the world that Robert Jordan created. I'm extremely hopeful for the rest of the series.

Has anyone else read this or started reading it? Thoughts?
