I have two contemporary kilts that I made and neither have pockets. However, I have made an X-Kilt with an under-apron pocket. I just haven't continued with that because it tends to show a bit of a bulge in a delicate place and I don't want to spoil all the womens days when things turn out to not be as advertised.

I included cargo pockets, a la Utilikilts (kind of) in the X Kilt instructions, and I've made two X-Kilts with those pockets. I also think that Farlander did a bang-up job with his modified cargo pockets on his X-kilt, but I dunno, they're just not for me.

Now, slit pockets like how Steve at Freedom Kilts does 'em....That, maybe, I could get into.

So...pockets in your kilt, or not?