Last Saturday Night X Markers The F-H.C.A.G. , walkerk , Monkey@arms , Madalyn, Panache , and the lovely Cynthia (a.k.a. Mrs Monkey) attended the 146th Annual Banquet and Ball thrown by the St. Andrews Society of San Francisco. This event was held at the elegant Marines Memorial Club in San Francisco.
Here are a few pictures from the night
Enjoying a martini in the club's Library
The dashing gentlemen
The lovely ladies
All together
My Guiding Star and I
One of the delightful ladies of Clan Munroe specifically wanted me to share a picture of her beaded handbag with the members of She made this herself and was able to duplicate the Munroe tartan out of beads. She thought that some of talented craftspeople might get inspired to try there hand at this sort of work
Past President of the St. Andrew's Society and our friend Gene McKracken was the evening's Master of Ceromonies
More pictures to follow