Thanks to SteveB for his energy and resourcefulness and to Xmarksthescot for being the medium that brings us all together. I have a friend who for some time has been saying he wanted to get a kilt. His name is Roy. I introduced them at Loon Mountain this past autumn and Steve kept his eyes out for a deal on a kilt. They are both McNiel clan members and Steve was able to find a kilt for Roy. What I did not know is that my large hints did not inform Roy directly and when he came to meet us at my office he was shocked to know that he was going to get and go out in his kilt! We arranged a night out and went to a local wonderful bar where they make a great range of beers.
Roy got over his shock immediately and is looking forward to us wearing our kilts to our Rotary Club meeting tomorrow.
Steve: thanks a lot for making this work. I will see you in Boston soon.
Roy is in the middle and really really happy to be in his kilt.
Look for this place if you get to North Central Massachusetts. Wonderful pub!
Steve happy with the deed he has done.
Steve & Peter Tulloch Sargent at the office.