Hey All-
January 6th is an important day for me. 2 years ago to this day, I was sitting in my "cube" , working for a company that claims we should all "Think Different". I sat there watching a co-worker being wheeled out on a gurney by paramedics as he was having a heart attack........You must believe me that this happened AT LEAST 2-3 times a month, no joke. This company, as any tech company, expected metrics to be met, and the stress combined with an almost factory like day-in, day-out like atmosphere, coupled with nothing but fast food and junk food created one of the most un-healthy places you could ever work, despite all the hip, glam of the company's reputation.

Anyway, I had begun working for this company when I lived in South Africa in the mid-late 90's......Now that was fun! I got to sell, tech support and deliver custom computers to ALL over Sub-Saharan Africa. I could tell you things that I saw that would make your head spin, but when I returned home in 2001 after divorcing my SA wife, things were the polar opposite when I took up my new position in this company's Elk Grove HQ. Fluorescent lights, no windows, cube farms, close proximity....I went from a muscular, fit 200lbs to a fat dumpy 300lbs in a matter of 7 years. I became a zombie at this job....The true tale of a miserable existence!

So there I am..fat as hell, watching a co-worker being wheeled off (I don't even know if he lived or died-There were almost 400 people on the floor, and the minute one went, a new face would take the place), I just sat there realizing so much time had gone by and that I was miserable. As a developer, I made bank no doubt, but that did not satisfy me in the least......I decided right then that I was going to quit and do something different. I couldn't take this life anymore. This company I was working for had some Indians who were there observing the tech support side, because they were going to start taking over-flow tech support calls in India for this company, and were being trained to do so here. Because my wife is Indian, I struck up a few conversations with a few of them, and as we talked, one of them talked about how India was the emerging tech market, while Pakistan was the emerging manufacturing market. Everything from kilts to medical instruments.

Kilts.....Having grown up under a Scottish household (Me Mum) and being a once Champion Grade 2 Bagpiper at my best, this caught my ear. I did bagpipeing soo and band competition hard core from 11 to 21, and quit having the most incredible burn-out one could ever have. I swore no more Celtic stuff in my life!!! But I started looking again on the net at scottish stores, ebay, etc. I was shocked to see how stagnant and high priced things were. It was like vendors had been put on hold for almost 2 decades as far as new things and ideas, and the prices were out of this world!! Pakistani stuff seemed to have improved since I was a lad and were really denting the market on ebay it seemed......

The night of January 10th, I lay in bed and realised that I was going to start my own store. Just like that. Within an hour, I had it all planned out. Next day, I walked to my boss, handed her the badge, and walked out of thaat prison.

I spent the next year gathering resources, testing ideas, and finding Western based suppliers. I surrounded myself with people in the know (Ashley Riley-A fantastic sporran maker really gets props for teaching me the art of hair sporran making) and slowly built my company. My prize ambition was to infuse the highland market with affordable and wonderful kilt hose that were innovative, authentic and unique. Since then, I have counted no less than 5 companies that sell diced hose in different colors other than the military tradition, custom dyed Argylls, and whats also incredible is that other makers were matching my prices. Diced hose did not cost 215£ anymore. Nor Argylls for that matter (ITs true-They were absolutely that much 2 years ago) which meant that more people were going to buck the solid hose, and go for some real accessorizing!! I love it-

My second goal is sporrans. The East dominates the hair sporran market with their 2-3 styles. L&M are really the leaders in making quality sporrans, but I'm taking it a step further by changing the look of the military sporran, as well as reintroducing hair sporrans in the style of the 18th and 19th century....Think I'm off-I've already seen one copy of my Gentleman's hair sporran on a Pakistani web site.....I guess I should be flattered!

there are other's in this biz who are REALLY changing the game. Matt Newsome and Lady Chrystel have single handedly brought the box pleat kilt back from the dead with their respective styles. Turpin, wygrn, britt ferguson, John from Keltoi and his complete kilt making line-up...Steve with freedom kilts, And one of my personal inspirations, whether he knows it or not, Rocky from USA Kilts....It is an exciting time to be in this business!! The money....Well....i don't think anyone is getting rich off it, but the fun, and the spirit that I'm able to achieve is something I wouldn't trade for anything!!!

So if you are at a crossroad in life-Take my story as inspiration. If you are unhappy with something, just leave it and follow your heart. Time is short on this planet...Just do it!!!!!