The rest of us Beagle owners want to know if there'll be a t-shirt.

Mine is a Lemon Beagle and gets a lot of second looks because folks expect a tri-color and can't quite reconcile the Beagle shape with non-traditional color.

Best line I ever got off was when I was sitting at a picnic table outside of a drive in burger joint up in Minnesota with the dog (Portia) laying at my of the locals walks over and asks, "Is your Beagle a good hunting dog?" "No," sez I,"she's a damn good sleeping dog, though...can sleep through just about anything." The fella went on to say that he had a few Beag's and wanted to expand the gene pool and was hoping that Portia would be interested in a boyfriend. I had to explain that she had been spayed and while she might enjoy a little summer romance, puppies would be out of the equation.
