
Felt good today, little twinge in my right knee from pushing a big stack on the leg press yesterday, but it'll get lots of rest this weekend so I'm not worried. Back feels good. Easy day today as I had to cut out early to get to a work meeting.

bosu lunges and push back; 80 pounds, 6 x each leg

hip adductor/abductor on the machine; 2 x 10 each leg @ "135 lbs" ...done with week #1 of this, another week to go and back to the squats

hanging leg lifts; 2 x 15

dumbell snatch; tried 100 pounds just for fun...FAIL! Pretty funny...so went 85 pounds, 4 x each hand

incline dumbell press: 2 x 6 x 70, managed to crank one up at 80 pounds

bench rows; 2 x 6 each arm @ 80 lbs

hammer wind core crushers on the Roman Chair; 10 each way with 10 lb medicine ball