Its Graham's fault for posting pics of his. I fell in love with it - or fell in compulsive addiction with it. Ordered one up and just got word from Robert that its done. You can see pics of the entire leather kilt construction process on the RKilts Facebook page.

Here's Robert at work.

Here's MY, MINE, MY finished leather kilt that will soon be wending its way through the International Postal Services headed my way.

Here's the South end of a Northbound green leather kilt.

Here's a side view of the cargo pocket.

Soon, I'll have that lovely kilt wrapped around myself. Its my THIRD leather kilt - my SECOND leather RKilt...does that make me a leather kilt junkie?

Make that a LAZY leather kilt junkie...ordered a second ranger belt so I wouldn't have to bother switching it back and forth between my saffron leather RKilt and my green leather RKilt....