I've FINALLY been initiated into the world of Utilikilt ownership.

About 3 weeks ago, a friend of mine texted me a picture of the UK storefront in Seattle. I informed her of my dislike for her (spoken, jealously), and jokingly told her to buy me a black Mocker with a 40 waist and a 23.5 drop. A little later, I received a phone call on my cell phone from a restricted number. I never answer such calls, so I ignored it. A few minutes later, my friend (the first friend's husband) called me and asked, "Why didn't you answer your phone just now?"
"How'd you know I had a phone call? It came up as restricted so I ignored it."
"Dude, it was the clerk here at the Utilikilt store. He wanted to know how you knew precisely what size you need."
"Umm... I've only been wanting one since I found out about them in 2005!"

Long story short... they ended up buying me a heather colored Mocker (they didn't have black in my size). I now desire more UKs!

Oh... and UKs are especially comfortable when being worn at a Dropkick Murphys concert... which is exactly what happened on Tuesday night!

UK has found another loyal customer!