I wear kilts almost everyday, including to work (very lucky to work for a company that values diversity). I get mostly compliments from both men and women when out and about in a kilt, but the compliments or general discussion brought about by the kilt bug my wife. She has been deep in conversation with a doctor and I walked in and he stopped the medical talk and told me about being in Edinburgh and attending the tattoo. Another time while standing in line a woman told me that I looked really nice.

The compliments from others seem to bother my wife from time to time. She seems to be a bit jealous of the "attention" I get when wearing kilts, although I extend an offer for her to buy "fancy" (the word she most often uses to describe my kilt outfits) clothes, although she always passes on the opportunity. I would have thought that wearing kilts almost everyday to work, picking the kids up from school and daycare, shopping, and everything else one does daily would have muted her reaction, but she still has issues from time to time.

Wondering if other kilt wearers have experienced a similar reaction from their significant others and how you handled it? I will continue to wear kilts and am curious if someone has successfully "turned" someone to the good side !