Todays workout....last day in the three-week plan to work on getting both strong and Mobile and Explosive.


Russian Squats/core crushers...those twist-dip squat things... 2 x 12 x 110..every week I go up another 5 lbs, today I added two more reps.

Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls ... 2 x 8 x 95 lbs

push-up... feet on 24 inch latex ball 20 as fast as I can and then 15 more to build character

sit-ups with 25 pound plate on chest ....15

lat pulls on roman chair .... 13 x 55 pounds each side

dumbell snatch....decided to go for it and see if I could snatch 100 pounds.. Tried 4x ..FAIL, but allllmost got it, twice.

hammer wind core crushers on roman chair .... 10 each way with 8 lb ball

rowing machine.... 9 minutes 2:30/1500 meters, then 1 minute sprint.