As I came around the corner from running with my GSP, I saw the mailman pulling away from the box, leaving a large grey package sticking out the end. As I came closer I could see the return address was from Scotland.
Paul did it!

In the box was my first, from Scotland, made in Scotland, real kilt.

I pulled open the bag and was quite pleased with what I saw. The material is very nice and over all the kilt is in excellent shape. The leather straps are a little worn and it looks like the fell was re-stitched on one pleat with a black thread that stands out upon inspection, but I can fix both of those with no problem. For the cost, I am 100% satisfied.

Before I could try it on I had to shower and stop sweating. It figures the kilt arrives on our first 60 degree day of the year, while I was exercising.

Anyway, I threw it on with the coat I modified a few weeks ago and the wife snapped a few pics which I hope will attach here now. Please forgive how red I was as I was still hot. Also I request your indulgence with the off grey hose, I need some better matching ones.